Account Settings
Dear Guest, Welcome to our forums. Please take a second to register our forum! In a few simple steps you will be able to enjoy all the features of our fine community!

Getting started with your account settings

Step 1:(Top right) Click settings to access on your user control panel
Step 2:Click Profile which is on the left (navigation bar) and then click Change Signature
Step 3:Add your signature and check the box which says Enable my signature in all of my existing posts and then click Update Signature

Note:Length limit in Signatures is 200 and you cant use images,smiles,videos or MyCode.

Step 1:(Top right) Click settings to access on your user control panel
Step 2:Click Profile which is on the left (navigation bar) and then click Profile username

Note:Only Platinum users can change their username

Step 1:(Top right) Click settings to access on your user control panel
Step 2:Click Profile which is on the left (navigation bar) and then click Change Avatar

The maximum dimensions for avatars are: 800x800 pixels.
The maximum file size for avatars is 1,000 KB.

Step 1:(Top right) Click settings to access on your user control panel
Step 2:Click Profile which is on the left (navigation bar) and then click Profile Settings
Step 3:Add / Change your informatios and then click Update profile which is at the bottom of the page.

Step 1:(Top right) Click settings to access on your user control panel
Step 2:Click Profile which is on the left (navigation bar) and then click Profile Settings
Step 3:Find Profile Background Field and add an url of your image and then click Update profile which is at the bottom of the page.